Thursday, May 30, 2013

Xavier-kun's Arcade Style Fighting Game Rampage:King of Fighters XIII


Hey its Xavier-kun here with the second installment of my arcade style fighting game series of reviews and its a doozy that's right
 the classic Completely anime styled game is back with  the 13th installment and I know, I get the same kinda

feeling when you see 13 because you know there has to be a few more 18 to be exact(not counting remakes/hd versions) but aside from the big number its there for a reason so lets get it on. hehhehheh

The story behind King of Fighters is pretty good although it has one of those story's that are separate from the arcade mode. To get the real story mode that incorporates all of the characters instead of just character-character relationships there is a story mode which is like a visual novel instead of a fight some then watch/read a cut scene it's just straight words which is OK if you need a manga to read because it feels like a book but slightly better(not as good as an anime or a manga but ok-ish all the same)
Now with the story that comes with arcade mode, it's really good because you learn about the love-hate-I'm gonna rip you limb from limb, relationship that all the characters have with each other so it gets you really knowing the characters.

The graphics for King of Fighters is really really Really good. Why 3 "really's" you ask, because of all the anime artwork!All of character designs are done in anime style which is really awesome because come on what can't anime art make better? It's a scientific fact that anime makes the world a better place to live in. Another tidbit is that the art is all done in pixels which makes could make you think the game would look kinda

Right? But that couldn't be further from

see the difference?

The balance for King of Fighters is really close to street fighter but with a little more aerial combo accessibility so that opens a few more combo ideas to float in your head.

Well he we are again with the lack of character difference being pretty clearly evident in this game it makes want to just walk across the ocean, to the developers headquarters and just

It honestly gets on my last nerves when company's make games with characters that all fall into a couple of categories and to make it worse the characters are put into teams that play relatively the same, almost like each character covers for the others weaknesses which would be cool if it was a tag team game but of course not its choose the order of your team, and play each character to their deaths.

9/10-Great game,Great Graphics 50-50 Characters

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