Wednesday, May 8, 2013

John-San's Editorial: Why is Japan so strange to us?

The following content does not represent any of the views of the MREB team of this blog. It is just the opinion of just one person, me. (John-san)

Why Are They So Strange To Us?

I'm not the god of all japan knowledge like xavier-kun, but i'm fairly certain we all know one thing.


Before I answer this question, i'm gonna tell you some of the things that make us think they are strange.


Some of these may be kind of gross... you've been warned.

The first is Alacatraz E.R.

In this restaurant, you dine in a fake prison... yeah.

When you get there, fake nurses ask you what your blood type is, handcuff you, then take you to a prison cell and this is where you eat. Food is suggestively shaped, (If you know what I mean) and occasionally, a man will "break free from his cell" and run around until someone captures him. Kids must love it!

Second is... Cannibalistic Sushi

Don't worry, there is no actual cannibalism going on. 

Patrons order a human shaped body that is a lot of sushi.

Whether the sushi is good or not, I cannot say.


This is a Japanese subway bridge

Enough of that... now on to commercials.

Japanese commercials are so strange. Sometimes they are funny, other times, they are gross, and other times you're left questioning yourself and the world.

Look at this Mcdonalds' commercial

 Look at this chips commercial. (I think)

And finally, look at this banana commercial.

The Bottom Line

I don't think japan is weird as a whole, in fact, I think commercials like these appear rarely, and these weird things are probably a few people, and when these things do happen, i'm sure there are plenty of people that say, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! What is that?!" or, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!それは何ですか!" When this does happen. Its kinda like saying all Americans are lazy and fat. Its just a few people, not the entire country. 

So just remember, when you see something Japanese that makes you go,

They aren't all like that.

You can see my personal blog here.

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